Sunday, August 16, 2009

1am update

It is 1 am on Monday morning and I have just finished the Risen Empire. Last few pages definitely keep you on your toes. Slow moving at first but definitely hooked you by the end.

A large amount of typoes ( my editing-enthusiast roommate would have had a field day!) but otherwise an interesting read.

Onto its sequal-The Killing of Worlds

Reading Adventures on the Greyhound

So the first step to my Westerfeld kick is almsot complete thanks to an hour wait at the Greyhound bus station this evening and then a two hour ride. It quite attentuon grabbing now that the end is so near. Turns out the Child Empress wasn't actually that big of a deal...surprise. The book is actullay the narratives of mnay different characters and with about twenty pages left to go I am finally seeing the connections and am actually quite looking forward to the sequal.

For anyone interested, a greyhound bus at night is actually quite an ideal place to read. Except your own personal light, you can't see anyone else and it is distractions and comfortable seats!

Although I did almost have a heart attack when the guy in front of me turned around to ask to borrow my cell phone. I must have been so immersed in my book I actually jumped about six inches out of my seat!