Wow! It has been a long time since I've written on here. But I think I've finally gotten a hold on this whole logging network and linking up with others so I'm going to give it a try. Here is an update of the majority of the books I've read in the past year:
Handle With Care - Jodi Picoult
Cinncinnatus: The Secret Plot to Save America - Rusty McClure
The Sweet Potato Queens - Jill Connor Browne
Stalemate - Iris Johanson
Bungalow 2 - Dannielle Steele
The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
The Host - Stephanie Meyer ( I know I was reading this 2 years ago but I couldn't get into it so I gave it another shot and it's actually quite thrilling)
The Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins (OH my mind! Obsessed!)
The Girls Of Murder City - Douglas Perry
Behind the Scenes of the Museum - Kate Atkinson
When Madeline was Young - Jane Hamilton
There's No Place Like Here - Cecilia Ahern
A Salty Piece of Land - Jimmy Buffet
Starlake Saloon and Housekeeping Cottages - Sarah Rath
Forever - Maggie Steifvater
Dakota - Martha Grimes
Sisterhood Everlasting - Anne Brashares
I'm sure there have been a ton more but I can' think of them off the top of my head. Currently I am reading a historical fantasy book entitled Ysabel. by Guy Gavriel Kay. It is possibly one of the most thought provoking books. You need to really be committed to understanding the plot of this story and allow time to wrap your mind around how a story happening in today's world can be so interlocked with the history of twenty five hundred years ago. The whole story is seen through a teenage boy's eyes as he tries to make sense, not only of adolescent but this unbelievable bit of modern history he has stumbled into. I can barely put it down long enough to type up this entry.